Hello polish people! So, I have been ordering indie polishes out the wazoo! I have so much to show and so little time! But, I have to work for 1 more days, then I'm FINALLY on vacation:) But, I will be out of state, so I don't know if I will even have internet connection!! Oh NOOOOs:(
I just wanted to give everyone a preview of the new
Rainbow Honey Equestria Collection, which was inspired by My Little Pony's- Friendship is Magic. I got it in today and am trying something new because I can't possibly swatch everything I get in one day. I bow down to those who are able (have time) to swtach an entire collection. Now, if I were representing the company or doing an actual requested review, then that's different...lol.
I just first want to say how wonderful this polish is and I wasn't in the least bit disappointed in this collection!
Rainbow Honey, which is a more high end indie brand was
"born out of a love for color and a penchant for creativity." - Dee, founder and Chief Designer of the company, says she draws her inspiration from 90's video games, Japanese Festivals,, and kids' TV shows. These are her quotes on the inspiration for each polish under each picture.
"Pinkie Promise was inspired by Pinkie Pie; A fun and shimmery pink base filled with hex and tinsel glitter in magenta, light blue, and gold - this polish calls for a party!"
"20% Cooler was inspired by Rainbow Dash; A shimmery and sheer light blue base with a veritable
rainbow of glitter that promises to make any old manicure at least 20% Cooler."
"Mare of the Moon was inspired by Princess Luna; A deep and mysterious indigo polish with a violet color shift and a sprinkling of silver moon crescents and holographic glitters."
"A Little Kindness was inspired by Fluttershy; Rose, white, gold, and soft green glitters float in a delicate and sheer yellow base with an iridescent pink shimmer."
"The Worst Possible Thing was inspired by Rarity; A sheer layering polish, jewel encrusted just as Rarity would endorse, shimmering with opalescent flakes in purple and blue and a multitude of holographic and iridescent glitters."
"Celestia was inspired by Princess Celestia; A sheer, sky blue polish filled with bursts multichromatic shimmer and opalescent flakes, turning every color into something new."
"Hoof Wrassle was inspired by Applejack; A shimmery copper orange base studded with gold, copper, and orange hex and square glitter, and a sprinkling of iridescent and holographic glitters - this polish loves to sparkle in the sun."
"The Element of Magic was inspired by Twilight Sparkle; Several shades of purple and pink glitter, some holographic, some iridescent, and a sprinkling of fairy dust all in a shimmery purple base with a magical blue shift."
These awesome polishes are on sale at
rainbowhoney.com for $10 a polish or $70.00 for the whole collection- so it's like getting one for free. I can't wait to get this polish on, and I'm sure I will use these for laying and different looks. The colors are a wonderful consistency of glitter, and each nail stick has 3 coats, which made it look a little clumpy, so it might have been better to use an undie color then 2 coats. I can't choose a favorite. Each color has it's individual interesting qualities and the people at Rainbow Honey are very talented and I can't wait to see what they come up with next!
And out of pure curiosity, since I don't really recall the specific My Little Pony's, here's a picture: